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To complete the registration process, kindly navigate to the official page of MSURVS and select 'Account', positioned at the top-right corner of your screen. Following this, proceed to click on the 'Register' option. This is necessary if you have been invited to join the team. Before you can join the team you would need to register yourself with MSURVS.

MSURVS Registration Empty

Please complete all fields as displayed in the image below.

MSURVS Registration Form One MSURVS Registration Form Two

Once all requisite information has been entered, please proceed by selecting 'Register'.

MSURVS Registration Page

To initiate the activation of your account, kindly proceed to your registered email inbox and locate the email sent by MSURVS.

Note Please check your spam/junk folder if the email is not found. If the email is in spam then click on Not A Spam to avoid the emails from MSURVS from going to spam/junk folder.

MSURVS Registration Account Activation Mail

Click on it and open the email.

MSURVS Registration Account Activation Link

In the email, you would find the activation link. Click on it. This is the final step to complete the account activation.

Note After this step you would be able to accept the team invite by clicking on the team invitation link.

MSURVS Registration Account Activation Complete

Your account has been activated. Please sign in to access MSURVS!

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